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Our Foundation Rock is Jesus Christ

As we enter a new phase in this Covid pandemic we must all remember that the ‘groaning of creation’ should not affect the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth. Our Biblical story is full of times when humanity was suffering, but the constant is always God’s love for us all, culminating in Jesus joining us in the flesh and showing us what the future holds. We must not let doubt and fear rule our lives, but look to the promises made and the Word of Jesus for our hope.

We have reached an exciting place in the school’s history; we are full. Our current roll cap is 300, and our enrolments for 2022 have now reached that number. This includes those returning, new enrolments and New Entrant children starting throughout the year. We will be approaching the Ministry to increase our roll cap, but until that time we will have a waiting list. We have already begun enrolments for 2023 and 2024, and families wanting to join us are encouraged to enrol their children early as our classes will generally remain full further up the school. WCET have started the development of our 20 year plan, and this will guide our future growth and building.

Next Friday, hopefully, we have a mufti day supporting Daffodil Day. This annual event provides financial support for the Cancer Society, which does such good work in our community.

As our school continues to grow, and provide a Christian learning environment, we are thankful that our foundation is rock, not sand. We are grounded in the Truth of Jesus, and not reliant on the ever-changing ways of the world. Our role is to equip our young people for the world they are in, by reflecting the world’s fiction against the truth of Jesus. This includes love for others, all others, even when we disagree. Our Faith is a lived experience, and as the fallen world around us continues to challenge our worldview, we will continue to pick up our cross every day and proclaim that the Kingdom is here, amongst us now. We will look to Jesus for our guidance and strength, and pray that Excellere College continues to be a lighthouse in our community.

Graeme Whitehead

Graeme Whitehead
‘For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3: 11 (NIV)
