Special Character Statement – Vacancies

The Mission Statement for Excellere College is as follows:

Educating students to develop and excel in their God-given gifts and talents, according to His Word and purpose.
Special Character Statement

Excellere College is a composite primary and secondary school was originally established by the Alive Trust as a ministry of the church for parents choosing a God-centred, biblical worldview, Christian education for their children. In 2015 the school welcomed new Proprietors, the New Zealand Christian Proprietors Trust (NZCPT) and the Whangarei Christian Education Trust (WCET).

The special character of the school is determined by the Christian beliefs, values and lifestyle of the Christian church, as determined from time to time by the WCET, and is to be upheld in word and fulfilled in practice by staff.

The school’s special character as hereinafter described, shall incorporate education with a special character as provided in the school and it is hereby agreed and declared that the school shall, at all times in the future, be conducted and operated so as to maintain and preserve the school’s special character and these statements shall be interpreted so as to maintain and preserve the special character of the school.
Our school’s Special Character is defined in the Special Character Statement:

Because God is the creator of heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible, sustaining and ruling over creation, including man ... and is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, God the Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit are relevant to every area of study and endeavour in the school.

The school reflects this by:

a) Experiencing Godly relationships, showing the character of Christ in love, using the Bible as the basis for exploring God’s world, and as a standard against which to compare and interpret all curriculum material.

b) Teaching Christian values and behaviour though the process of acknowledgement of sin, repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ gift of grace.

c) Using prayer as a key tool in learning, inviting the Holy Spirit into every learning situation.

d) Encouraging each child to give their best because God creates and equips each person for their unique role in His service, and acknowledging achievement in accordance with the child’s effort.

e) Inextricably integrating knowledge of the world and Christian beliefs, through an integrated approach of an appropriate Christian curriculum and developed program plans.

f) Acting as a continuum and extension of the teaching provided in Christian homes.

g) Providing an environment where children, parents and teachers can experience godly relationships, show the character of Christ in love, discipline, respect, honour and trust, and witness an exemplary demonstration of biblical truths in the lives of others.

h) Employing staff who are role models for students, who promote values and standards based on biblical principles.
Personal Specification

  • Have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, having been born again in the Holy Spirit.
  • Should view their ministry in the school as a ‘call’ from God, rather than simply a position of employment.
  • Shall accept and recognise a responsibility to uphold and maintain the Special Character of the school both within and outside the workplace.
  • Shall have an ability to communicate and listen sensitively and courteously. (Colossians 4v6)
  • A character that daily and consistently displays evidence of the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ (Galatians 5v22.23) namely: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Personnel Code of Conduct

It is expected that staff will at all times behave towards each other and towards the students in a manner that is acceptable to God.

The Bible as the received Word of God gives the college the code by which the staff measure their:

  • Behaviour
  • Language
  • Relationships
  • Dress
Behaviour must be moderate and considerate complying with God’s commandments in both the Old and New Testaments.

Language must be free from blasphemy and swearing and as far as possible free from anger and gossip. It is desirable that language is positive and supportive.

Relationships must be Christian based and not in breach of God’s commandments.

Dress must be modest and clean and chosen to enhance the reputation of the college in the eyes of the students and community.

In some cases it is acknowledged that not all personnel working in or for the college will be able to fully comply with the Personnel Code of Conduct. This particularly applies to:
  • Specialist Teachers
  • Visiting Speakers
  • Education Advisors
  • Parent Helpers
  • Contractors
Staff are encouraged to promote the special character of the school to visiting personnel.

Personal Details

Do you consider you meet, and will uphold, the criteria as described in our Special Character Statement, Personal Specification and Personnel Code of Conduct?(Required)
Do you regularly attend church? If yes, describe which one and your level of involvement and attendance there.(Required)
Please include two character referees we could contact in relation to Christian special character (eg: Pastor, friend)