Latest News

With music we will praise Him

It is wonderful to see our students using their initiative to benefit their peers. A Senior College group will be delivering Friday canteen from next week, and a group of Middle College students are organising ‘Wheel Days’, on the hard courts, for students to use their scooters, and skateboards during select lunchtimes. These are examples of the servant leadership we encourage at Excellere College. 
Our Teacher Only Day yesterday allowed us to focus our energies on the Learning environment we want to develop and strengthen at Excellere College. Senior College staff explored the concept of Maori succeeding as Maori, and the upcoming changes in Literacy and Numeracy. The rest of the staff continued our work on reviewing our Local Curriculum. This included identifying foundational learning knowledge our students need, resources we could access, and revisiting our Student Graduate Profile. These type of days are vital if we are to meet our vision of ‘Excellence in Learning’.

Next week our Year 7/8 students are off to the local schools’ Winter Tournament. This is a wonderful opportunity to compete with their peers, and play as a team. We pray for fine weather…  

Next week we will also be visited by a Music Mentor, Hugh Ozumba. This is a programme supported by the NZ Music Commission. Hugh will be working with a small group of musicians over two days to develop their song-writing skills, and explore the music in their lives. This is another wonderful opportunity for our students. 


Graeme Whitehead

“My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.”  Psalm 57: 7 (NIV)
